Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chemsketch: A powerful tool for scientists especially chemists.


     Well hello there world! Hopefully we are all fine with the blessing from Allah SWT. Amiin.

     In our second class of KOS1110 we had learned something new. Before tht, do you remember what we have learned in our first classwhich is bout HTML, right? Yes, insyaAllah. and for this week we had learned something which is totally different from HTML which is to use the software namely "ChemSketch".

Figure 1 : ChemSketch - the basic.

     As a scientist, we must get used to this application as it serves a useful service for us to generate chemical compound either organic or inorganic or polymer compounds and also other uses such as making atomic orbital, DNA, lipids, energy diagram and much more. For example, ChemSketch. ChemSketch has a lot of functions which enables us to make all uses mentioned earlier, and also can help scientists (and also science students) to do what is commonly cannot be done using normal software such as drawing chemical structure, drawing set up of apparatus and so on. The basic background of the ChemSketch is as shown in Figure 1.

     We had learned 6 uses of ChemSketch in the our second KOS1110 class, which were :
  • Drawing energy diagram
  • Making atomic orbitals
  • Drawing apparatus (Vacuum distillator)
  • Drawing DNA - two-chain DNA strand
  • Drawing Lipids and Micells
  • Making tables (which shows the compositions and densities of some chemical compounds)
     Unlike the first HTML assignment which we had done it individually, this ChemSketch assignment we had done it in group. The uses of ChemSketch that we had learned and done in the assignment are as shown in Table 1 below :

Uses Images Descriptions
Drawing energy diagram
Energy diagram normally used to sketch the flow of energy along a series of chemical reaction, also can determine the activation energy and also either the reaction is endothermic or exothermic, and many more
Making atomic orbitals
Atomic orbitals has their own respective shapes, which are determined by l number of uantum number. For example, p orbital is the orbital with l=1, and d orbital ith l=2. Meanwhile, pi-bonding orbital is formed when two electrons from two atoms overlap side-by-side to form covalent bonding (pi bonding only occurs in two atoms which has more than one bonding, the other type is sigma-bonding)
Drawing apparatus (Vacuum distillator)
A vacuum distillation is used when the boiling point of the compound (or the solvent) is too high (Tb>150 oC) in order to distill the compound (or the solvent off) without significant decomposition. For more information, you can click HERE
Drawing DNA - two-chain DNA strand
Double-stranded DNA is simply two chains of single- stranded DNA, positioned so their "bases" can interact with each other. At left is a cartoon depiction of double-stranded DNA. The sugar-and-phosphate 'backbone' is depicted in red, and the bases are depicted in blue. Importantly, the two strands travel in opposite directions; hence the structure is said to be "anti-parallel". The bases in the middle "pair up" with bases on the opposite strand, so that a type 'A' nucleotide is always opposite a type 'T', and 'G' is opposite 'C'. The attraction between the paired nucleotides is fairly weak, but when there is a whole string of them, it adds up to enough strength to hold the strands together.
Drawing Lipids and Micells
Micelles are lipid molecules that arrange themselves in a spherical form in aqueous solutions. The formation of a micelle is a response to the amphipathic nature of fatty acids, meaning that they contain both hydrophilic regions (polar head groups) as well as hydrophobic regions (the long hydrophobic chain). Micelles contain polar head groups that usually form the outside as the surface of micelles, and the hydrophobic tails are inside and away from the water since they are nonpolar.
Making tables

The table shows us the compositions of atoms of three different elements, which are benzene, naphthalein, and also qounoline

     Those shown in Table 1 are some descriptive explanations in what we had done with ChemSketch in the previous class. We hope that all of us can get benefits from the information given above.

     To conclude, after we had learned ChemSketch, we felt that this sofware can help us very much in order for us as Applied Chemistry students especially for drawing chemical structure, drawing mechanisms and many more. This is because there are a lot of functions that ChemSketch can do to help us, the uses shown in Table 1 only shows some of it. There are a lot of other functions of this software which we are yet to discover, (InsyaAllah we'll try to discover it). This malicious varieties functions of ChemSketch software make it suitable as this post's title which is "Chemsketch: A powerful tool for scientists especially chemists".

Wallahu a'lam

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